Billy Graham has been played on 6519 lists, including 10 lists in The Dennis Johnson Three Bagger.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.All God's Chillun Got WingsDiamondToothGertie16
2.Harper Galley R.I.P.GregDean16
3.'Hello, This Is Rhoda Your Dormant'Ghost of Stiffs Past00
4.Death Soup: Bad Year For 70s Sitcom StarsMJ and Friends00
5.MrJeff2000's Last Gaspmrjeff200000
6.Politicos: Gotta Hate 'emRoquefort00
7.Star DustStar Dust00
8.Star Dust Yourself Off and Try AgainStar Dust00
9.Star Dustier than BeforeStar Dust00
10.The End is Near IIIThe Evil Optimist00


Guess the Stiff!

He once coached the Jets to a Super Bowl victory, which is akin to ... well, we don't know what it's akin to, but it's pretty fucking amazing.

(d) November 17th, 1998