Barbara Hale has been played on 110 lists, including 26 lists in The 2017 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.Petey Rises AgainNancyD530
2.Crossed The River StyxMITINCUSA425
3.Reap 'Em and Weep #3USER00557421
4.Blake's Bones: LadiesMr. Blake419
5.Robin 'da GraveBwildered419
6.Let em RotHeart Stopper417
7.MATTOID - All my good ones are dead...The Mattoid321
8.Alfred Hitchcock SpecialMardiRob320
9.Shazam IIKudsKroakers318
10.Death March 21BCeltics315
11.Dr. of Death 2the doctor of death314
12.The Corleone Family Wants to Buy You OutFrankie Pentangeli314
13.Death By Pinochle 2oregontrail216
14.Boston Dead SoxRobin213
15.Root InspectorsMarkMx210
16.Coffin Rattler - Ancientcoffinrattler29
18.Going, going, GONE3Reaper Crew27
19.Death Pool Gambler 17-4Death pool gambler26
20.Okinawa Death Squad1BCeltics18
21.90 year old vipsIncognito17
22.Day-O!!Adorn Ale15
23.The longer dirt nap...AdamTheO15
24.THE WORM BUFFETNick ‘n Beth14
25.Erika Anne Cut Off Her HeadBuffiedee13
26.Gracie for a walkDigger O Dell 1011


Guess the Stiff!

He had a really good system for the garlic.

(d) July 25th, 2022