Woody Allen has been played on 74 lists, including 7 lists in The 2020 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.Going AwayChris Goulart539
2.Going, Going, Gone....Chris Goulart539
4.Tomb Raters 2020 IIITomB rater 666319
5.all out of hindsight jokesmirandate210
6.Team DeathWish 2020 (4)gfultz117
7.Gorilla Listtherron200


Guess the Stiff!

She was in a total of 9 Hollywood films, and won Oscars for best actress for two of them in consecutive years. Then she did nothing for 70 years, and died. What a ride!

(d) December 30th, 2014