He invented Big League Chew. Remember that? Strands of bubble gum, that came in a pouch that made you feel like a real big time ball player chewing tobacco. Sure - they lost flavor in like 4 seconds, but that was a glorious 4 seconds. You felt yourself right up there on the mound, ready to deliver a smoking fastball right over the plate to win game 7 of the World Series. It was transformational. And Jim invented it.

Anyway, he's dead.

Jim Bouton
March 8, 1939
Died on
Wednesday, July 10th, 2019
Sunday, October 1st, 2006
Jim Bouton
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Guess the Stiff!

The thing about pyramids is that there’s *always* a little prick at the top.

(d) April 14th, 2021