Sam Simon has been played on 924 lists, including 7 lists in The Kurt Heegner Memorial Three Bagger.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.Martha PearlDiane26
2.Gravesite Delightgsanor19
3.YES YES YESDonkey Sausage16
4.Drop Dead Fred - IDead_Men_Tell_No_Tales15
5.Doc & DJ--Darren Daulton Wants to Know Who the Fuck Bill Shamblin IsDoc & DJ13
6.Doc & DJ--How Many Times Do We Have to Win This Thing?Doc & DJ12
7.Doc & DJ--...I Wish I Was Sipowicz.Doc & DJ00


Guess the Stiff!

In his honor, penises shall be flown at half staff for the rest of the week.

(d) September 27th, 2017