Princess Margaret has been played on 108 lists, including 13 lists in The March '01 Lee Jr..

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.DePressED 4USER0262119
2.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: The 86 Proof SpringFTG19
3.Royally ScrewedUSER0275619
4.Snoopy's All-Dead Stars IIUSER0108119
5.elegance to the end 1USER0099217
6.Putnam's Meaning of the word respectUSER0276917
7.Chad - aka Jeb Bush's Shoplifting Convicted WifeUSER0356716
8.Pepster 4USER0005514
9.Big Gay Al UK teamtrollette00
10.Chad - aka Katherine Harris' CuntUSER0111500
11.Luca Brazi leaps in the ficusUSER0353100
12.Reap 'Em & Weep 2USER0277500


Guess the Stiff!

She slept with a bunch of political bigwigs and ended up as the U.S. Ambassador to France. You didn't really think Madonna was breaking new ground, did you?

(d) February 5th, 1997