Nancy Sinatra has been played on 34 lists, including 8 lists in The 2023 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.Written in pencil.SpeculativelyMorbid638
2.Easy Bets 420scb4208421
3.I am the dark one List #3I am the dark one211
4.Reap Em and Weep #3USER0055729
5.DX Rob IDX Rob25
6.Death Pool Gambler 5Death pool gambler110
7.I am the dark on List #6I am the dark one110
8.I am the dark one List # 8 1/2I am the dark one17


Guess the Stiff!

If there is a God, it's a safe bet that Fred will be taking it in the ass for all of eternity.

(d) March 19th, 2014