Mortimer Adler has been played on 54 lists, including 12 lists in The 2000 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.Unit C Grave FillersJim212
2.D.N.R. 3USER0096528
3.Du Lac 3USER0096525
4.Bite the BullettUSER02616110
5.Reading a fresh obituary.....PricelessJim19
6.Bart and D.J. 4Doc & DJ00
7.Bart and D.J. 6USER0096500
8.It's 2000, I have no flying car. Die you Fucks!BibsPal00
9.Kick ItUSER0261600
10.Legion Of Doom 2000 2USER0096500
11.major zUSER0034800
12.NEIL ERICKSON 1Minnesota Neil00


Guess the Stiff!

Now known as Elroy 'Fertilizerlegs' Hirsch.

(d) January 28th, 2004