Kirk Douglas has been played on 6267 lists, including 16 lists in The May 2012 Lee Jr..

 List User Stiffs Points 
2.Birdman 2Bird327
3.Martha PearlDiane326
5.Till Death Do We PartDeathRace316
6.Death Soup: Sure, Take Your Time! We're Not Annoyed Or AnythingMJ and Friends217
7.Rock n Roll OverPrettyGirlMakesGraves211
8.Mad Manlesslittle terr27
9.Gabor Gags.... Finally !!shorty7ft110
10.Nothing but the dead and dying....USER05854110
11.Some People Dance Cheek to Cheekdead presidents110
12.Reap Em & Weep #10USER0055717
13.Say Hello to Jonathan FridMama Chobe12
14.Gorgeous Girls 1TeamTrautz00
15.Palooka's PicksWhat?! Me worry?!00
16.Three Dicks in a RowHappyPill00


Guess the Stiff!

We really dug deep to find the nicest possible thing to say about this guy, so here it is:

He was a COMPLETE sack of SHIT.

(d) July 30th, 2022