Julia Child has been played on 419 lists, including 23 lists in The 2001 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.In TroubleUSER0114327
2.Auld AcquaintanceUSER0117119
3.This Is Your Final Answer!USER0270317
4.TV Nut Job 5USER0281817
5.Door Nails 1USER0112214
6.Midwest Morgue Mogul MeganUSER0037113
7.Mac's Medic MortsUSER0272811
8.Shirley Kelley (Badger's Mum)DJ Badger11
9.Take Dead Aimsplittertogo11
10.1 foot in and 1 on a banana peelUSER0124500
14.Dirt Naps For Fun & Profit 1FrankJac00
15.Door Nails 2USER0112200
18.Midwest Morgue Mogul GigiUSER0062400
19.Strawberry Fields ForeverUSER0117100
20.The Good Die Young, So I'll Live ForeverUSER0126300
21.The Ralph Lunsford Steering Committee 4USER0281500
22.Tricklenut 2USER0057400
23.Viva Las VegasUSER0093400


Guess the Stiff!

Wait, wait. You left your heart WHERE?

(d) July 21st, 2023