Fay Wray has been played on 898 lists, including 9 lists in The April '00 Lee Jr..

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.REAP 'EM & WEEP 1USER00557219
2.Bearded Tanya the Gonad MuncherJim212
3.Circling The Drain 3USER00965110
5.Christopher Reeve - The Land of Fruits and NutsUSER0279819
6.Prince SirkiPrince Sirki00
7.Slabdweller 1USER0105800
9.Tsuga SupersonicaUSER0003900


Guess the Stiff!

Okay, so, that's one Old-Timer, extra cheese .... Uh, flies?

(d) January 11th, 2008