
 Player List Name Stiffs Points 
1.JohnHinesLast year's runners up25
2.JohnHinesThe DL runners up15
3.NathanLHGod Save The Queen14
4.JohnHinesA list to break social media00
5.NathanLHSeargent Pepper's Old Farts Club00
6.NathanLHThe Expendables 700

Want to join this Boneyard? Just enter a list and then use the team code 3YA7A3 when you get to the last step!

This list is managed by JohnHines and is for games in The 2017 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool

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Guess the Stiff!

In the words of the traditional Palindromic farewell ...
"Maharg, Otto Graham."

(d) December 17th, 2003