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This list was submitted by USER02269 on Monday, December 26th, 2005 at 8:18 AM PST for The 2006 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

Points Celebrity Date of Death Age 
10Lou Rawls January 6th, 200672
9Lady Bird JohnsonJuly 11th, 200794
8Charlton HestonApril 5th, 200884
7Jerry FalwellMay 15th, 200773
6Nancy ReaganMarch 6th, 201694
5Stephen HawkingMarch 13th, 201876
4Fess ParkerMarch 18th, 201085
3Don HoApril 14th, 200776
2Soupy SalesOctober 22nd, 200983
1Gerald Ford December 26th, 200693
11 points 2 hits 


Guess the Stiff!

Hey, kids, what time is it!? Time to put stinky old Bob in the ground, that's what time it is.

(d) July 30th, 1998