William "The Refrigerator" Perry has been played on 114 lists, including 9 lists in The 2020 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.Doc & DJ--We Bet Rey Fucks Like a Thousand Dollar WhoreDoc & DJ637
2.Death By Pinocle 4oregontrail532
3.Die for MeUSER02165532
4.Victory AND Death 2Shams529
5.The B TeamThe Shadow525
6.Going to hell if they go to hell.gcotts319
7.Soul Catcher - T2TeamTrautz319
8.Rocks and Headstones 2020Rocks and Headstones317
9.Doc & DJ--Track 1: The Heart of Rock & RollDoc & DJ218


Guess the Stiff!

The King of the Yugoslavian tennis-Dad editorial cartoonists is toast.

(d) May 14th, 1998