Shirley Temple has been played on 179 lists, including 11 lists in The 2011 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.Swimming Volkswagen IIIUSER00748319
2.And Now Your DeadKooterVP210
3.See ya later ladies 2011 list 1northern reaper12
5.JUST A LIST #2northern reaper00
6.Just another list #3northern reaper00
7.List # 5 - No better than list #4northern reaper00
8.List # 7northern reaper00
9.List #4 - Evildoers the lot of themnorthern reaper00
10.List #9 The last listnorthern reaper00
11.List#8 - Feasting on quality rotten meatnorthern reaper00


Guess the Stiff!

He said he was born in 1939, but census records (and his daughter) say he was born in 1933. So your beloved comedian was a liar.

(d) May 15th, 2020