Shirley Temple has been played on 179 lists, including 8 lists in The 2009 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.But Is It IIIBut Is It Art?216
2.Biffs Boneyard 2USER02367210
3.The Amazing KreskinUSER02428210
4.It's about time you left...northern reaper27
5.I Think I Just Fartednorthern reaper110
6.Please Just Die in 2009humanmeal12
7.Northern Reaper I Can Afford Another Listnorthern reaper00
8.Northern Reaper See Ya' Later, Ladiesnorthern reaper00


Guess the Stiff!

He was Strom Thurmond's former law partner, which somehow raises a glimmer of hope in the eyes of millions.

(d) October 26th, 1999