Ingmar Bergman has been played on 64 lists, including 10 lists in The 2007 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.koolkat - people i dont knowHello it's me219
2.Dr JonesUSER02191217
3.koolkat - die scum actorsHello it's me17
4.Aiming for Aystole XUSER0185716
7.Eris' Undoingslilsqueakyone00
8.koolkat - randomHello it's me00
9.Our Ten Funerals 2007Jerrytopdown00
10.Wednesday #2Wednesday00


Guess the Stiff!

In the words of former U.S. Senator John 'Bluto' Blutarsky, "Wormer? He's a dead man!"

(d) February 1st, 2005