Clint Eastwood has been played on 400 lists, including 35 lists in The 2022 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.Star DustleuppagusStar Dust537
2.Celebrity Death MatchLisaBeauchamp320
4.Toe Tagger 22 TooWallbanger37
5.Dead ManateeBones Marie215
6.Somewhere Over the Rainbow BridgeNick ‘n Beth213
7.Cordell cordellPrincess Tessa211
8.Gotham NYCaknauf211
9.Nicoles 2022 List of People Who Will Live 4everspol85211
11.I Am the Dark One List #9I am the dark one29
13.Habitat For Necromancygidget26
14.Coffinrattler - Maybecoffinrattler25
15.I Am the Dark One List #8I am the dark one110
16.I have no idea what's going ontowelielife110
17.old white peoplerazorben110
18.Bo Knows DeathBo Knows Death19
19.DEATH PALS! '22TheSilva19
20.The Quick and The Team Trautz2TeamTrautz18
21.2022 So edgy death listBlissfulwizard6917
22.Its Geaux Time!Tiffany16
23.Money and Powerthedeadmanshand15
24.Sand Mountain Bucket ListWallbanger15
25.Death's Doorstep 1Steve P14
26.Just Die AlreadyDr Drunk14
27.Erika Anne Picks the DeadBuffiedee12
28.Death SquadLisaBeauchamp11
29.Albrecht Says Die 3!!!!!Albrecht00
30.Death Pool Gambler 5Death pool gambler00
31.God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen and WomenTwisted Freak00
32.Gorilla Listtherron200
33.Painted Toe Tags 1Painted Toe Tags00
34.RoadkillDr Drunk00
35.Sorry, won\'t miss most of ya!dannykel00


Guess the Stiff!

Over the course of his career, he portrayed 9 Lords, 6 Kings, 4 Popes, 3 Prime Ministers, a couple of Saints, various military officers, Merlin the Magician, Cassius AND Julius Caesar, an orchestra conductor, a headmaster, a Marquis, and the houseboy of an idiot who's so pickled that he falls in love with Liza Minnelli. Guess that about covers it.

(d) May 21st, 2000