Alan Young has been played on 284 lists, including 16 lists in The 2011 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.Fade to Black IVFade to Black324
2.Bones for Blake IMr. Blake320
3.Dr. Who - 60 Minutes... of DeathDr. Who317
4.Goulart Death List 3Chris Goulart24
5.bird livesPIANOGIRL19
7.I need moneybuh-bye now18
8.bird don't livePIANOGIRL17
9.POTUS 12USER0246416
10.Aiming For Asystole XAiming For Asystole12
11.Pokey's PicksPokey2212
12.Dentaldawg's DeadFolkDentaldawg8300
13.Dirt Naps For Dollars 6FrankJac00
14.No more bms 4Digger O Dell 1000
15.rumpleforeskins wrinklesfossilhead00
16.Take a little trip, take a little trip 4 meNVRGVUP00


Guess the Stiff!

He resigned as the leader of Zimbabwe, right in the middle of his impeachment hearings.

Just sayin'.

(d) September 5th, 2019