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This list was submitted by USER03808 on Thursday, January 24th, 2002 at 11:56 AM PST for The 2002 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

Points Celebrity Date of Death Age 
10Osama bin LadenMay 2nd, 201154
9Jerry FalwellMay 15th, 200773
8Jesse HelmsJuly 4th, 200886
7Strom ThurmondJune 26th, 2003100
6Marge SchottMarch 2nd, 200475
5Gary GlitterAlive?
4O.J. SimpsonApril 10th, 202476
3Bob HopeJuly 27th, 2003100
2Martha StewartAlive82
1Adam SandlerAlive?
0 points 0 hits 


Guess the Stiff!

She managed to salvage her career by starring in A Day At The Races, right in the middle of a whole string of idiotic movies that featured her running around the jungle with a chimp and a guy in a diaper.

(d) June 22nd, 1998