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This list was submitted by USER02726 on Monday, January 21st, 2002 at 3:57 AM PST for The 2002 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

Points Celebrity Date of Death Age 
10John Gotti June 10th, 2002?
9Lester MaddoxJune 25th, 200387
8. SuhartoJanuary 27th, 200886
7Le Duc AnhApril 22nd, 201998
6William ManchesterJune 1st, 200482
5Johnny OatesDecember 24th, 200458
4Leni RiefenstahlSeptember 8th, 2003101
3Bob Hayes September 18th, 200259
2Jim MarshallAlive?
1Roone Arledge December 5th, 200271
14 points 3 hits 


Guess the Stiff!

Word going around the Hollywood party scene has it that a "kinda journalist" with the initials LS may not be "off the market" for good!

(d) November 12th, 2017