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This list was submitted by Maloyo2317 on Thursday, December 31st, 2020 at 6:20 AM PST for The 2021 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

Points Celebrity Date of Death Age 
10Larry StorchJuly 8th, 202299
9Sidney PoitierJanuary 6th, 202294
8Mort Sahl October 26th, 202194
7Rosalyn CarterNovember 19th, 202396
6Norman LearDecember 5th, 2023?
5Robert ClaryNovember 16th, 202296
4Prince Philip April 9th, 202199
3Roger AngellMay 20th, 2022101
2Hal Holbrook January 23rd, 202195
1Marv LevyAlive99
14 points 3 hits 


Guess the Stiff!

First film: We the living. Last film: Vino Santo (Holy Wine). There's a joke there somewhere. Figure it out.

(d) October 31st, 2002