Vera Miles has been played on 70 lists, including 12 lists in The 2023 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.Ivy Cliff Bhodag21378429
2.Death March 31BCeltics424
3.Pool Girls and Pool BoysCheswick417
4.Dead To MeBwildered318
5.New List #1 - Betty White SyndromeCheswick318
6.Ten Toe Tags Coming Up!Cheswick215
7.Toe Tagged and BaggedCheswick213
8.The Final ReposeNick ‘n Beth211
9.Aardvark5Hugh G. Wrekshun27
10.Bye Bob!Nick ‘n Beth110
11.Glamor to the Gravephotosurrealism110
12.The Safe ListSafeList00


Guess the Stiff!

He definitely can't get any more power, Captain.

(d) July 20th, 2005