Rupert Murdoch has been played on 162 lists, including 10 lists in The 2021 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.In a DeadlockDead Person Specialist, E434
2.Sleddog againsleddog427
3.They GoneFrogSoda425
4.Knock knock, you deadDead Person Specialist, E324
5.NewbiesBunn's Bones To Be321
6.Dying to win this yearmikegldn314
7.Memorial Park Ranger 2memorialparkranger216
8.Ranker Leftoverszombiebait214
9.I like being rightChrissy28
10.The Doffin CodgersOichoThrow110


Guess the Stiff!

Death is a Many-Splendored Thing ...

(d) December 17th, 2009