Rosalyn Carter has been played on 285 lists, including 6 lists in The 2015 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.Lights Out 3Joker211
2.Schindler's 2011-2014 List (Modified)nlcfsemfc16
3.Dirtier Nappymommyster11
4.Aknauf D list 2015aknauf00
5.Boot HillPushinUpDaisies00
6.Yay for Euthanasia!Euthanasia00


Guess the Stiff!

His name in yiddish was "פֿײַוויש פֿינקעל", which loosely translated means "Rat Face".

(d) August 14th, 2016