Rich Little has been played on 32 lists, including 3 lists in The 2019 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.Death pool gambler 4Death pool gambler27
2.Strange BedfellowsFood for Worms13
3.Dead list 2Ccantu90200


Guess the Stiff!


Yeah, what?

Yeah, she was the mom on Hazel, uh-huh, so what?

What do you mean, "that's golden" ...?

That's not golden, that's dog shit.

No, we don't remember her, and we don't care, and neither does anybody else, so just forget about it.

Yeah, same to you.

Hazel . . . . What the fuck are we supposed to do with that??

(d) September 28th, 2002