Raul Castro has been played on 75 lists, including 10 lists in The 2024 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
2.I Don't Hear Enough Rippingrazorben15
3.Aardvark6Hugh G. Wrekshun00
4.Cemetery Girls 6Vera00
5.Death To The HippiesNo Hippies00
6.Kick The Bucket List 13: Don't Be Mean!Kick The Bucket List00
7.Knock knock, you deadDead Person Specialist, E00
8.Stretching the odds for those on stretchersSarkon00
9.Team DeathWish (4) 2024gfultz100
10.Tina Turning the Earth Overadaminjp00


Guess the Stiff!

Well, that doesn't quite work anymore.

(d) November 5th, 2006