Ozzy Osbourne has been played on 249 lists, including 10 lists in The 2022 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.Turn and BurnGrimPeeper39
2.sleddog 2022 1sleddog210
3.Kill 'Em All, Let Xenu Sort 'Em OutDr Drunk110
4.Stifflers' StiffsTheJtizzle13110
5.Manchop Sheriffpants We're fbuxoredSheriff Manchops16
6.Death By Pinochle 5oregontrail12
7.Cast the DieNick ‘n Beth00
8.Dave\'s Deadpool Dream 2022 #1Your Dead Pool Highness00
10.Team Deathwish (5) 2022gfultz100


Guess the Stiff!

You know when you sometimes refer to someone as a "dirty, lowlife, thieving, scumbag, huckster asshole"? This was the guy that coined that phrase.

(d) May 14th, 2013