Mack Robinson has been played on 32 lists, including 9 lists in The 2000 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.O'Connors On The CornersUSER02723432
2.M.T. GravesUSER00044319
3.Frankie 1USER0265839
4.Vicious Piranha - The Return Of The Black ShadowUSER02813219
5.Make My DayUSER02651215
6.Pure BullUSER02651212
8.One-Eyed, One-Toed, Purple Secret Panel EatersUSER02651211
9.M.T. Graves Jr.USER00044110


Guess the Stiff!

First guy to fly around the moon. He was offered the job to actually LAND on the moon, but he turned it down. From where we sit, that's pretty badass.

(d) November 7th, 2023