Jiang Zemin has been played on 100 lists, including 13 lists in The 2022 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.Reap 'Em and Weep #3USER00557628
2.Star DustleuppagusStar Dust537
3.Star Dust in DiamondsStar Dust422
4.Supernova IStar Dust419
5.Tic Tag Toeroderner319
6.Boneyard 2022abone318
7.DX Rob IDX Rob312
8.Dust to DollarsDRave13310
9.Turn and BurnGrimPeeper39
10.Maloyo 2022-3Maloyo2317219
12.Cemetery Girls 5Vera110
13.Dead Skeleton1BCeltics19


Guess the Stiff!

He stormed the beach at Normandy, then killed an attacking enemy soldier with a rock after being seriously wounded. After that, he went on to play Santa Claus in Elmo Saves Christmas, and then died on Christmas Eve. We're not sure how that all fits together, but it's pretty weird.

(d) December 24th, 2012