Jane Withers has been played on 65 lists, including 8 lists in The 2020 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.DePressED 11DePressED639
2.Lady Caroline MuffmuncherDePressED629
3.Buh-byeDed Yet??321
4.Grim Reaper Strikes1BCeltics318
5.Lights, camera, deathBig Guy217
6.Reap 'Em and Weep #2USER0055719
7.Aardvark4Hugh G. Wrekshun16
8.Older and Most ExperiencedChris Goulart15


Guess the Stiff!

She may or may not have slept with JFK when he was President, but she's sure as hell sleeping with him now.

(d) September 24th, 1999