Imelda Marcos has been played on 144 lists, including 11 lists in The 2021 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.Anarchy Takes Much PracticeAnarchy and a biscuit639
2.The Regulator ListWarren G326
3.The C List 21RWorkman323
4.Kill 'Em All, Let Xenu Sort 'Em OutDr Drunk322
5.Don't Fear the Reaper govMOJO321
6.Circling the DrainFound Down319
7.Schadenfreude Maybe This TimeLaMuerte216
8.Pushing Daisies BLJbottonlinej212
9.The free oneChrissy110
10.Doctor of Death 3the doctor of death19
11.Mark Says They CarkBonusPants13


Guess the Stiff!

How could such a great defender not wear a seat belt? What an idiot.

(d) February 8th, 2000