Harry Belafonte has been played on 386 lists, including 22 lists in The 2020 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.Rock N Roll Me 'Til I'm DeadTrav528
2.Naha Assassins1BCeltics433
3.Jackalope GhostJackalope_Ghost432
4.Farts of the ArtsRoquefort325
5.Habitat for Necromancygidget323
7.Ig's dead guys IIThe Ig319
8.La Muerte Somewhat Politically IncorrectLaMuerte310
9.Hoping They Survivedarianwiccan215
12.Dearly DepartedAmicus mortis212
13.Marxed for DeathMarxie Von Trapp211
14.Rat Bastards 1Rat Bastard211
15.Old People 1SatiricalAlexandria29
16.RoadkillDr Drunk26
17.Anarchy Prefers Gin to VodkaAnarchy and a biscuit110
18.Sack of sticksMarshrat110
19.The People Formerly Known As AliveDr Drunk110
20.Leading Around the Worlddrr4516
21.Pushing up daisiesblaum116
22.Test List 1 KellyKellster00


Guess the Stiff!

Sounds like the past tense, doesn't it?

(d) November 29th, 2004