Flip Wilson has been played on 20 lists, including 20 lists in The October '98 Lee Jr..

 List User Stiffs Points 
2.M.I. Rich At Times.USER00008536
3.Unit C Bitch PatrolJim425
4.T. Switala 4USER00025424
5.Vicious Piranha 11USER00023424
6.OBIT 1USER00059420
7.Dem Bones 1USER00192322
8.OBIT 6USER00059319
9.Vicious Piranha 03USER00023318
10.JONATHAN 4Jon00060219
11.JONATHAN 5Jon00060219
12.JONATHAN 6Jon00060219
13.SEE YA PALS 2USER00043219
15.TV Nut Job 3USER00072219
16.Will Chillequestzim7219
17.Shelley Byron 1USER00143217
18.Capt. DeadpoolUSER00230210
19.TV Nut Job 2USER0007223
20.Snarko's Young and DangerousUSER0026315


Guess the Stiff!

Betty did her at a Tupperware party back in '79.

(d) February 4th, 2006