Budd Schulberg has been played on 17 lists, including 16 lists in The 2009 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.LA LISTE DE M?O - 2009Meo427
2.Death Race 2009USER02395424
3.POTUS 7USER02464321
4.DGD - Fight The Good Fight, Then Die DGD320
5.DGD - Swingin' From The Gallows Pole DGD214
6.Dr. Mccoys PatientsUSER02209213
7.POTUS 5USER02464213
8.Feral Fodder #1BMT330212
9.Afraid of the Dark? #2Minnesota Neil211
10.Break a Leg and the RestGregDean211
11.Feral Fodder #3BMT33018
13.Loki ILoki15
14.No bones about it now 3Digger O Dell 1015
15.Cryptkicker 2Cryptkickers Inc.12


Guess the Stiff!

He released his last album just 2 months ago. It was titled "Adios". So, yeah. There you go.

(d) August 8th, 2017