Arthur C. Clarke has been played on 236 lists, including 9 lists in The 2007 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.Roger GowiththrottleupRoger Gowiththrottleup219
2.RJS Mortuary-Your Table is Waiting 3 - arrUSER02274217
3.the mick 6TheMick1217
5.Last Call #2USER0183019
6.Hurry up and die already part VI!hurryupndiealready17
7.Hurry up and die, already, part III!hurryupndiealready16
8.Femme Fatale VIUSER0120514
9.poor kittylindbergh00


Guess the Stiff!

This is one of those cases where a picture is worth at least a thousand words.

(d) February 12th, 2004