Ariel Sharon has been played on 1558 lists, including 12 lists in The Dale Earnhardt Memorial Three Bagger.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.The Bone CollectionGhettoZombie211
4.birdman 14Bird00
5.Doc & DJ--France is Picking Up Guns? You Know This Shit is On!Doc & DJ00
6.Gourmet WormfoodJEHooverWasPassing00
7.Infidel Castro (4-1-11)Midaba200400
9.Soon B. DaleEdhead2200
10.The Nearly DepartedThe Evil Optimist00
11.This Year in JerusalemGhost of Stiffs Past00
12.TIME TO GO0249500


Guess the Stiff!

Exorcise this, punk!

(d) May 13th, 2001