Anthony Hopkins has been played on 41 lists, including 12 lists in The 2024 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.Light ApproachersBud Davenport14
2.Debbie\'s list of deathlsternal00
3.Eileenalot's deadpooleileenalot00
4.Go-Go No-MoBelleOnWheels00
5.Graveyards Gettin' Fulltbeaun00
6.Headstony Bennettadaminjp00
7.I Hope Not...But Points Are PointsDead Already?00
8.Larry\'s dead list 2024lsternal00
9.No DisrespectJMann88000
10.No Hippies AllowedNo Hippies00
11.Old Actors Kick the Bucketscb420800


Guess the Stiff!

She was a Swedish actress. That's it. Seriously. You try and find something funny about this chick.

(d) October 25th, 1995