Alan Greenspan has been played on 460 lists, including 15 lists in The 2020 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.Of Corpse your Dead 4Shoeguy528
2.Rock N Roll Me 'Til I'm DeadTrav528
3.Mashiki Massacre1BCeltics525
4.My liver can't handle Trump much longer!!Joker428
5.Dying To Be Famousdannykel424
6.Wild GuessDed Yet??314
8.Of Corpse your Dead 6Shoeguy214
11.Politicos: Gotta Hate 'emRoquefort19
12.Aardvark4Hugh G. Wrekshun16
14.Fistin' the Night AwayAltois14
15.Jims First timersBunn's Bones To Be00


Guess the Stiff!

Hail this, you little freak.

(d) November 14th, 2002