
 Player List Name Stiffs Points 
1.gfultz1Team Deathwish (2)320

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This list is managed by gfultz1 and is for games in The 2019 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool

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Guess the Stiff!

Man - this is a huge loss. It takes someone with real talent to entertain MILLIONS of people using your musical gifts. As if that weren't enough, he was a huge philanthropist and did benefit concerts almost every time he was asked. Married to Kimberly Williams (from Father of the Bride as well as other films and TV shows), she was as active as he was. The two of them together formed..

What? IAN Paisley? We thought you said BRAD. Who the FUCK is Ian Paisley? What? Are you serious? How are we supposed to write about THAT? Fuck it. We'll do it later.

(d) September 12th, 2014